Saturday 11 April 2015

Voice to the Voiceless


A speech prosthetic could give voice to people who can't speak, by converting their brain activity into words according to this article, Brain-Machine Interface Could Give Voice to the Voiceless by Gordy Slack. A group of San Francisco neuroscientists and engineers is developing a device that aims to figure out what people with paralysis or brain injury are trying to say by studying how they attempt to move their mouths.It would be nice to know how this turns out.


  1. There is nothing more interested than developing technology to enhance individual life, making one comfortable and helping them out or finding solution from problem especially in the medical field. The advancement of this device, voice to the voiceless is such a great idea that a group of San Francisco neuroscientists and engineers came up it. This will help a lot of patient that is suffering from this problem. I will be looking forward in knowing how this will working and following up on it. Knowing and learning how technology is giving an positive impact on people lives really amaze me. This post is really interested and have me thinking a lot.

  2. This is a very interesting post had a great time reading learned a lot odf developing technology.
