Saturday 4 April 2015


 Factory Workers of the Future

According to this article called Jumbo Robotic Ants Could Be Factory Workers of the Future by
Carl Engelking, "there may come a day when new worker orientations include not just meeting your human coworkers, but also the bionic robots that will help you on the job". They are mini mechanical ants the size of a normal hand. I really think that this has its advantages and disadvantages. If that day comes, the employers would benefit because they would be saving more money because having those robots will replace the human workers in the factory.

1 comment:

  1. So much for wishful thinking. I know we are living in a time when almost anything is possible, but to replace humans completely from working in companies and replace them with robotic ants i dont see the logic. It would cost much more to main a fleet of robotic ants than it would cost to hire humans. Do not begin to speak about malfunctions anything can with these machines getting our work done.
