Saturday 28 March 2015

Cyborg Roaches to the rescue?

So, I've read an article called Cyborg Roaches Could Be Used to Find Disaster Survivors by Tanya Lewis, and let's just say I think using roaches to detect people trapped in disasters is a wonderful thing to do. But on the other hand, I'm getting a feeling that these little cyborgs can be used for other means, such as doubling as spies. If these creatures were to go among humans, I do believe that people would feel like their privacy is being invaded or threatened. But in any case, that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. As with everything invented for good, some people always find a way to use it for bad.
    I think it is good idea but it was not the first technology that turned cockroaches into controllable insects, others have released products that allows people to purchase and create their own remote controlled cockroach.
