Saturday 28 March 2015

The Apple Watch

Will the Apple Watch Catch On? According to this article by Tia Ghose, the newest product that Apple would be releasing in April of this year "is bound to become a cultural phenomenon." I think some people would only be interested in this product because of the brand. I don't think that it would catch on though. Other brands have released smart watches before and they never really caught on with the public. But who knows, maybe Apple would be the company to flourish with this product.

1 comment:

  1. The Apple watch is quite an interested device and have so many features you can think about.The only problem I'm concern about is it security protection and measures. Its a device that has so many features but how safe will users information be? Once it have proper security protection i believe that it will make an interested outcome in the technology market and will surely meet consumer needs.
