Sunday 22 March 2015

Future Computers Could Communicate Like Humans

The article, Chatty machines? Future Computers Could Communicate Like Humans by Elizabeth Palermo, made me have mixed thoughts about the subject. I am asking myself, would humans really be safe when machines possess intelligence to communicate like humans, or would they actually be beneficial to the world? I am positive that I am not the only person to think this way. A few people are known to say that in the not too distant future, computers might actually be smarter than us. This article made me think of the Turing Test: a test that determines if a machine can be mistaken for a human. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what would become of this.


  1. I like this. Scientists are preoccupied with creating the 'perfect' human, imagine if they sought to replace humans with computers...

  2. I am actually afraid of the day that machines surpass human beings in terms of intellect but it is without a doubt that this day is coming soon, judging by the current rate at which technology is growing. Let us just hope that these so-called inventors don't bring us to our extinction with these new machines.
