Sunday 22 March 2015

3D Printing in face transplants

After reading the article, 3D Printing Can Improve Face Transplants by Tia Ghose, I have come to a conclusion in my opinion. I believe that this new innovative technique of using 3D printers to aid surgeons in face transplants is beneficial to both the surgeon and the patient. The procedure is often faster and the end result is usually an improvement to the patient. I do think that using this new technology in that way is really a wonderful idea.


  1. Yes, I do believe this to be a wonderful en devour that has lead to so much more in the medical sense.

  2. Great innovation, think of it like this doctors no longer will take weeks or months create the correct face patch or body part. this can now be printed maybe in a few hours or minutes. Few years from people will no longer have to go to doctors to do plastic surgery, it can easily be printed at home. Although innovation is great but we have to be mindful sometimes it comes with a cost.
