Saturday 28 March 2015

Cyborg Roaches to the rescue?

So, I've read an article called Cyborg Roaches Could Be Used to Find Disaster Survivors by Tanya Lewis, and let's just say I think using roaches to detect people trapped in disasters is a wonderful thing to do. But on the other hand, I'm getting a feeling that these little cyborgs can be used for other means, such as doubling as spies. If these creatures were to go among humans, I do believe that people would feel like their privacy is being invaded or threatened. But in any case, that's just my opinion.
The Apple Watch

Will the Apple Watch Catch On? According to this article by Tia Ghose, the newest product that Apple would be releasing in April of this year "is bound to become a cultural phenomenon." I think some people would only be interested in this product because of the brand. I don't think that it would catch on though. Other brands have released smart watches before and they never really caught on with the public. But who knows, maybe Apple would be the company to flourish with this product.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Future Computers Could Communicate Like Humans

The article, Chatty machines? Future Computers Could Communicate Like Humans by Elizabeth Palermo, made me have mixed thoughts about the subject. I am asking myself, would humans really be safe when machines possess intelligence to communicate like humans, or would they actually be beneficial to the world? I am positive that I am not the only person to think this way. A few people are known to say that in the not too distant future, computers might actually be smarter than us. This article made me think of the Turing Test: a test that determines if a machine can be mistaken for a human. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what would become of this.

3D Printing in face transplants

After reading the article, 3D Printing Can Improve Face Transplants by Tia Ghose, I have come to a conclusion in my opinion. I believe that this new innovative technique of using 3D printers to aid surgeons in face transplants is beneficial to both the surgeon and the patient. The procedure is often faster and the end result is usually an improvement to the patient. I do think that using this new technology in that way is really a wonderful idea.